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Spiritual Audacity: The Abraham Joshua Heschel Story

Abraham Heschel was influential in the Jewish community and the religious life of America.

Aired 05/05/2021 | Expires 05/06/2025

MPT Presents

Spiritual Audacity: The Abraham Joshua Heschel Story

Special | 57m 19sVideo has Closed Captions

Abraham Heschel was influential in the Jewish community and the religious life of America.

Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel fled Nazi Germany to became “an authoritative voice not only in the Jewish community but in the religious life of America.” His book, "The Prophets" inspired Martin Luther King, Jr. to invite him to take a roll in the Civil Rights Movement. Heschel was an outspoken critic of the Vietnam War, an advocate for Soviet Jewry and a pioneer of interfaith dialogue.

Aired 05/05/2021 | Expires 05/06/2025

MPT Presents is a local public television program presented by MPT

Distributed by American Public Television

MPT Presents

Spiritual Audacity: The Abraham Joshua Heschel Story

Special | 57m 19sVideo has Closed Captions

Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel fled Nazi Germany to became “an authoritative voice not only in the Jewish community but in the religious life of America.” His book, "The Prophets" inspired Martin Luther King, Jr. to invite him to take a roll in the Civil Rights Movement. Heschel was an outspoken critic of the Vietnam War, an advocate for Soviet Jewry and a pioneer of interfaith dialogue.

Aired 05/05/2021 | Expires 05/06/2025

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MPT Presents is a local public television program presented by MPT

Distributed by American Public Television

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